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Kieran Coffey and Fiona Kelleher with the MyGug

Is anaerobic digestion the missing ingredient in your food biz? Get the answers you need

You’re a food business owner on the lookout for innovative solutions that can take your business’s sustainability to the next level.

So it’s no surprise you’re considering anaerobic digestion (AD). After all, it can be a gamechanger for handling your business’s food waste.

But we get it – you’ve got questions. 

As a discerning business owner, you want to make informed decisions that align with your values and goals.

So let’s address those burning questions you have and explore how AD can completely revolutionise your food business.

(And for anything we don’t cover below, know that you can always reach out to us to ask your questions directly.)

Diagram of MyGug

Remind me – what exactly is anaerobic digestion?

In simple terms, AD is a process in which microorganisms break down organic matter, like your food waste, in an environment without oxygen.

This biological process generates biogas – which is a renewable cooking gas composed of methane and carbon dioxide – and a nutrient-dense digestate, perfect for use as organic fertiliser.

AD provides a remarkable way to manage your food waste onsite, transforming it into valuable resources for your business. 

Instead of your food waste being a thorn in your side, it becomes something that helps you fuel your business and boost your sustainability.

Not to mention, it gives customers exactly what they want – a business that’s pulling their weight for the environment.

Exactly how does AD benefit my food business?

Instead of tossing away heaps of food waste at the end of service, AD allows you to put your waste to work.

From leftover roast chicken to uneaten birthday cake, AD transforms food waste into clean biogas for cooking and a liquid fertiliser for growing more food.

So the waste that would typically fill bins and burden landfills instead contributes to your business’s energy independence.

You’re basically turning today’s scraps into tomorrow’s treasure.

And where does MyGug fit in with AD?

MyGug is the name of the compact, efficient biodigester designed by Kieran Coffey, a mechanical engineer here in Clonakilty with over 25 years’ experience.

The MyGug is egg-shaped, which is why Kieran and his family often refer to it as the ‘egg’. 

It works by feeding in nearly 100% of your food waste so the anaerobic digestion can take place inside a unit that’s completely sealed and odour-free (meaning it won’t attract flies or rodents).

Rachel Scott and MyGug founder Kieran Coffee in Rebecca's Kitchen where ham for sandwiches is cooking on MyGug biogas.

Is the MyGug unit proven to work for a food business?

Rest assured, MyGug has a good track record when it comes to food businesses.

It’s now in use in businesses throughout Ireland, the UK and Europe.

Our first restaurant installation was for Rebecca’s Kitchen in Clonakilty. Years ago, Rebecca was happy to act as a ‘guinea pig’ of sorts, which gave Kieran the opportunity to develop and refine the design for a food business.

Get the full story about Rebecca’s experience in How this West Cork cafe solved their food waste problem with MyGug.

Tell me more about how AD can help me become more self-sufficient.

With AD you’re not just reducing waste – in a way, you’re becoming a producer.

Owning a MyGug is like having your very own (microscale) energy and fertiliser factory.

The biogas generated in the MyGug egg can replace a significant portion of the gas sourced from fossil fuels in your kitchen.

And the liquid fertiliser the egg produces is filled with nutrients derived from the AD process, ready to be poured over your herb beds, vegetable patches or flower gardens.

In this way, AD enables you to create your own circular economy as you keep resources in motion and minimise food waste.

Maggots covering a brown bin

Do you mean AD can help me eliminate the hassle of dealing with food waste offsite?

That’s right, you can say goodbye to smelly brown bins and the inconvenience of food waste collection.

With your own MyGug onsite, you can tackle food waste right at its source. 

You’ll stop having to worry about storing food waste until the next collection date. You’ll also be able to sever your reliance on trucks that run on fossil fuels to transport your food waste offsite. (Another win for the environment!)

Find out more in Bye bye, brown bin. 3 reasons food biz owners need a smarter food waste solution.

How does AD play into my sustainability efforts?

These days customers LOVE businesses that prioritise sustainability.

The use of AD for food waste management not only shows your commitment to environmentally-friendly practices, but also satisfies your customers’ preference for sustainable businesses.

What better way to prove to your customers that you’re doing more than just talking the talk? 

You’re actually cooking with biogas generated from your own food waste. And growing more food in the soil you enrich with your own fertiliser. Talk about creating food circularity in your business.

With MyGug, every meal you serve becomes a testament to your commitment to tackling the food waste problem and climate change.

It’s a powerful, delicious message.

Can AD actually make a difference in the fight against climate change?

By taking advantage of anaerobic digestion, your food business can make a big impact.

Even food that’s sent off in a brown bin can make its way into a landfill. 

(Unfortunately, many loads become contaminated when waste isn’t properly sorted.)

But AD ensures that your food waste achieves a happier ending. It puts you in control of your food waste, and makes sure none of it ever ends up in a landfill.

Get even more ideas about taking control of food waste in Is your business a food waste champ? Check these 11 strategies to find out.

MyGug Sizes

Is MyGug too big / too small for my food business?

Whether you run a cosy coffee shop or a bustling restaurant, AD can work for your business.

The MyGug biodigester comes in different sizes, but requires no more space than a small shed. 

We recommend you have at least 3×2 metres of outdoor space available.

But don’t feel like you have to sort out the unit size or location questions on your own. Get in touch with us and we’ll help you pinpoint what’s best for your business.

Will I need specialised skills to operate a MyGug biodigester?

The beauty of the MyGug system is its simplicity.

If you can handle a commercial mixer, you’ll be fine with your MyGug.

You won’t need any specialised expertise to integrate it into your daily routine. 

Our team will be with you during installation to ensure everything is set up correctly and to guide you through the simple process of using and maintaining your new biodigester.

In no time at all, you’ll be an AD pro and your MyGug will become an invaluable team player, seamlessly supporting your food waste goals and sustainability efforts.

Is creating my own biogas safe?

After all, you’ve been (rightly) taught to be wary around gas.

So let’s ease any concerns you may have…

Because when you think of gas, you’re probably thinking of pressurised cylinders that are highly volatile. But that’s not how AD or MyGug works.

Your MyGug generates small, non-pressurised amounts of biogas. So even if there were a leak (which is highly unlikely) the biogas, being at atmospheric pressure, would simply dissipate into the atmosphere.

But you don’t have to take our word for it. MyGug has been through rigorous safety testing. It’s been certified and proven to comply with all necessary safety standards.

Get more answers to your safety-related questions in ‘Wait, I’m turning food waste into gas? Is that even safe?’

Can I talk to you directly?


Whether you still have questions, or you’re ready to start exploring the option of solving food waste with your own MyGug, you can click here to request to book a call with us.

Before long, you’ll find yourself cooking with gas you’ve produced from your kitchen’s food waste. And your plants will be thriving, nourished by the organic fertiliser derived from yesterday’s leftovers.

If that sounds like the sustainable future you’ve been dreaming of, be sure to get in touch.

Take charge of food waste. Be a sustainability leader.

Talk to us about turning your site’s food waste into clean energy and liquid fertiliser.

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