Kitchen staff disposing of food waste

Food biz owners: What if your food waste was an opportunity instead of a problem?

Food biz owners: What if your food waste was an opportunity instead of a problem?

What if you didn’t have to outsource the collection of your food waste?

What if, instead, you could turn food waste into something that’s immediately useful to your business?

Something that takes your sustainability efforts to the next level?

Because you’re already doing all the right things to address food waste in your business. Things like:

  • Better organising your brown bin usage
  • Monitoring portions on customers’ plates
  • Finding ways to ferment veg peelings and other scraps
  • Reusing spent coffee grounds for gardening
  • Reducing your use of foods, like lemons and avocados, with high environmental costs…

These are all feel-good wins. And cumulatively, over time, they move you closer to your food waste goals.

But you’re looking for a big win.

And despite all these initiatives you’ve put in place, food waste remains a problem you feel just isn’t going anywhere.

Restaurant food waste on plates

Food waste is costing you money

Ireland’s restaurants and food service generate nearly 25% of the country’s total food waste (a whopping 178,500 tonnes) per year.

As you know too well, there’s a financial downside to all that waste. 

It comes in at an estimated annual cost of just over €300 million for the sector. Or what’s been worked out as a loss of €24,000 per year for the average restaurant in Ireland and €150,000 for the average hotel.

So if you could treat your food waste as a resource instead of… well… waste, there’s a significant financial impact to be made.

But it’s not just about the financial benefits

This is also about what your customers want from you.

They want more than just great service. They want to support a sustainably-minded business.

As it turns out, 70% of Irish people have said they’re more likely to support a brand described as ‘eco-friendly’. And 92% believe businesses should pull their weight to help consumers make more sustainable choices.

All that’s to say… your customers want to know you’re doing your part to make a difference. They expect you to help build a greener future for Ireland.

Which means your food waste holds huge potential for your business. 

That is, once you stop thinking of food waste as something to throw into a smelly bin and send off…

And instead, start thinking of it as a way to make a positive impact. On the environment. On the way customers perceive your business. On the very way you run your business.

But to start seeing food waste as an opportunity instead of a disadvantage, you have to do something BIG.

Diagram of MyGug

The good news is BIG doesn’t mean difficult

In this case, BIG doesn’t even mean new.

Countries like China and India are already using a specific solution to reduce food waste. They’re turning to the power of anaerobic digestion. And now you can too.

But first… what exactly is anaerobic digestion?

It’s a process by which organic matter (such as food waste) is broken down by bacteria in an oxygen-free environment. The result? Energy production.

In fact, about 10% of the food waste from Ireland’s brown bins already goes to large-scale anaerobic digesters. Once there, methane is extracted so it can be converted into electricity and then transferred into the grid.

You can employ this same process–on a smaller scale–for your own gain

The food waste you’ve been pitching into a brown bin and sending off to a processing plant can now become your own source of renewable energy and fertiliser.

That’s once you have your own anaerobic biodigester installed outside your food business.

Food waste goes in. Free energy and free fertiliser come out.

And just like that, you’ve got your own instant circular economy going.

Happy restaurant diners

Keep doing all the smaller things you’re doing

Because every bag of spent coffee grounds that finds a second use…

And every carrot top that goes into a sauce instead of the scrap heap…

And every food waste gram per cover that’s reduced by even a fraction…

All these small things help make a difference.

As you already know, it feels good to do a lot of small things for the environment and for your business.

Now imagine how great it’ll feel to do something BIG for both. Something that brings you immediate payoffs in free energy and free fertiliser.

Why send your food waste away when you can put it to good use?

Not to mention, customers will continue demanding that Irish businesses step up in the fight against climate change. Now you can become an even bigger part of that.

All by taking control of your food waste. The greatest resource opportunity you didn’t even know you had.

It all starts once you harness the power of anaerobic digestion for your food business. Click here to take the first step.

Take charge of food waste. Be a sustainability leader.

Talk to us about turning your site’s food waste into clean energy and liquid fertiliser.

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